Ocean Life Education offers a range of interactive live marine animal incursions and excursions for schools, designed to educate and inspire students of all ages to protect the ocean. Live animals and lively, qualified marine educators bring curriculum learning to life, covering themes such as habitats, life cycles, human impact, classification, adaptation and sharks. These fascinating incursions are supported by quality teaching resources – videos, activities, worksheets and more – to support teachers pre- and post-visit. They also have two excellent online courses, ‘Amazing Sharks’ and ‘Humpback Whales’ (which includes a teaching resource pack). Both cover a range of primary school curriculum themes and include videos, activities, and worksheets.
School Curriculum-Themed Programs
Ocean Life Education’s school programs are closely aligned with the Australian National Curriculum, delivering lessons across a broad range of topics, tailored to suit your requirements. What better way to understand Life Cycles than to see one of Ocean Life Education’s baby sharks at close quarters, observe the egg it hatched from and note the significant differences in the adult?
Inspiring kids to make a difference
Ocean Life Education’s programs aim to educate and impact the learner’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviours, and to INSPIRE children to want to PROTECT the marine environment.
Respectful animal contact
Children respond extremely well to real animal interaction. Through carefully controlled one-on-one contact, children learn why animals look and feel the way they do, how their bodies function, what their individual roles are in their environment and why we need to look after them.
Passionate, expert educators
Led by Richard Coward (BSc., DipEd), Ocean Life Education’s team of qualified Marine Educators are experienced, passionate, and very entertaining speakers!
Ocean Life Education’s programs
Ocean Life Education’s incursions include:
Live Marine Animal Interaction: Baby Bamboo Shark, Fresh Water Turtle, Blue Linckia Seastars, Thorny Seastars, Tropical Sea Cucumber, Black Sea Cucumber and Sea Urchins (may differ from time to time)
Fascinating Artefact Activity Station: Shark jaws, odd and interesting shells, replica sea creatures, activities, games, reference guides and more.
Educational Resources: Programs are supported by Ocean Life Education’s own quality resources, such as videos, activities, worksheets and more, to help teachers plan lessons pre- and post-visit.
Ocean Life Education also has a range of fascinating programs for OSHC, Early Learning Centres and events.
Ocean Life Education’s Holiday Programs
Ocean Life Education’s Holiday Programs aim to offer OSHC centres accessible, enjoyable, and educational vacation care activities throughout the school breaks. Led by qualified and passionate marine educators, these programs provide hands-on interactions with their live marine animals, fostering an engaging learning environment.
Children of all ages can be taken on a new and exciting ocean discovery journey each holiday season with their range of themes.
You can find out more about these holiday programs on the Ocean Life Education website.
Home School Groups
Ocean Life Education welcomes enquiries from home school groups and can tailor a program to suit your needs based on the format of their popular Marine Biologist for a Day Program.
In response to the growing demand for online learning, Ocean Life Education has recently introduced the following certified online courses: Amazing Sharks and Humpback Whales. These fascinating programs provide children with an enriching educational experience from the comfort of their homes, igniting curiosity and passion for the ocean. Details can be found on the Holiday Programs web page.
Find out more about how Ocean Life Education can ‘Bring the Sea to You!’. To express interest or request a program outline, call (07) 5443 8545, email info@oceanlifeeducation.com.au, or head to the Ocean Life Education website.