Hendra State School is a small school located just minutes from the Brisbane Airport and approximately 15 minutes from Brisbane CBD. In 2014 Hendra SS celebrated 150 years of service to the community of Hendra. Currently the school operates three multi age classrooms and has a total of 65 students attending.
Hendra State School is not enrolment managed, as they have the capacity to hold 7 classrooms and have room to grow. Currently their students generally come from Hendra, Hamilton, Clayfield, Nundah and Ascot, and as far reaching as Redbank!
The school offers a unique small schooling environment, with focus on a caring and nurturing environment dedicated to promoting academic and social achievement, within a wonderfully active and friendly community. Hendra State School believes strongly in parents and school working in partnership and actively encourage families to support their big little school!
Hendra State School would encourage anyone interested in their big little school to make an appointment, come in and have a chat, meet everyone and see their classes and school in action.
Hendra State School Philosophy and Values
At the heart of Hendra State School and aligned to the Department of Education and Training is a philosophy of ‘Every student succeeding’. They acknowledge that students have strengths in particular areas and their jobs are to develop individuals to their potential.
Hendra State School aims to educate children intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically in order to help them make a positive contribution to society, be problem solvers, entrepreneurs and use persistence and resilience in facing the wider world and demands of life now and in the future. They believe in their students becoming life-long learners and they model this behavior explicitly.
Within the school environment the students follow a set of four principles; Be Safe, Be responsible, Be respectful and Be a learner.
As Hendra is a small school, they put strong emphasis on community and working in partnership, in order for all of their students to achieve to their potential.
Facilities at Hendra State School
Hendra SS has three multi age classrooms operating in significantly large classroom spaces! This allows staff and students to work independently and in small collaborative groups using a variety of teaching strategies and allowing for increased engagement in learning.
Built recently, the school’s large, well-appointed Resource Centre allows for students and parents to gather on Fridays to celebrate learning and successes together. Within the Resource Centre is a room that allows for staff to conference and participate in online forums, also allowing for students to access specialist staff when learning instrumental music, and/ or extension programs. They have a kitchen where small groups of students and students with special needs can create and bake!
Hendra SS has an air-conditioned disabled toilet and change room to allow for wheelchair access and hoist. Classrooms have wheelchair access.
Students at Hendra enjoy lunch times playing soccer and a variety of mixed team games on our school field, as well as climbing around the playground equipment.
If you were to ask students at Hendra about one of the things they love the most – all of them would say HORSE RIDING! Historically horse riding is very important at Hendra, being situated near Doomben and Eagle Farm. In term 4 they offer a six week Horse Riding Program, outsourced to professionals at Cherbon Waters Equestrian Centre. Students practice perseverance, resilience and gain great confidence at learning how to look after and groom horses, ride bareback and go on trail rides. They dress in safety gear and have a great time!
Japanese is taught from Prep through to Grade 6, rather than just the mandated years of Grade five and six. Students really benefit from this, gaining confidence, knowledge and respect for a country other than Australia.
Coding and Robotics is taught from prep through to Grade 6. The school outsources this to professionals and our students in two five week programs become adept with programming. Hendra SS acknowledges that Coding and Robotics is a focus for our future.
Students in the senior class go on camp to Coffs Coast Adventure Centre – 5 hours away from Brisbane. Students get to enjoy kayaking, commando courses, damper and marshmallows, visiting the Coffs Harbour Marine Magic Centre and having a Dolphin kiss and photo sitting beside a seal. Students have a great time and generally are incredibly responsible, gain confidence and have an amazing time.
Resilience and Persistence are personality traits that require significant and explicit building and the school emphasises this through their Chaplaincy service. Hendra State School is extremely fortunate to have Chappy Megan on staff. Chappy Megan works with all classes and staff, specifically teaching social skills and offering lunchtime craft and sporting activities. Chappy Megan works heavily with the school’s P & C and community to support the school community.
Special Needs
Hendra State School welcomes any child, regardless of levels of support they may need. Despite being a small school, staff are very well equipped to cater for any child and their needs. They have an ‘Advisory Visiting Teacher (AVT)’ specializing in support for students with disabilities or particular needs permanently on staff, whom works with parents, teachers and Principal to cater for, guide and assist students.
Hendra State School has access to a range of specialists through a very supportive Regional Department – Behavioural, School nurse, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists and Guidance Officers. Their Guidance Officer visits the school every fortnight and they have purchased extra speech therapy time with a Speech Pathologist.
Parents, school staff, Specialists and external agencies if required, meet to discuss needs, goals, share knowledge and guide programming for students.
Hendra’s first goal would be to talk with parents and share concerns. They observe and assess with parent permission and then discuss options that might include working with their AVT and/or therapists and/ or external agencies.
At Hendra, every student succeeds.
Hendra State School Extra Curricular Activities
After school sport has been organized and managed through parental help. Once a term the school endeavors to have a Family Fun afternoon for students, families and the broader community to gather, chat and have fun through a range of activities such as face painting, games, Horse Poo Bingo on the field and a sausage sizzle.
Enrolment at Hendra State School
Currently Hendra State School does not have an enrolment management Plan. Their priority will always to be able to offer placement for Hendra residents, but with their smaller classes, they are lucky enough to have flexibility in offering enrolment to families living outside the Hendra suburb.
Please contact the school and organize an enrolment meeting with the Principal. At this time, you will get to look at classrooms and meet staff and get a feel for the school.
Hendra State School at a Glance
- Address: 309 Nudgee Road, Hendra
- Phone: (07) 3623 1333
- Current Enrolment: 65 students
- Not enrolment managed
- Prep to year 6
- Co-educational
- Inclusive environment with three multi age classrooms
- Recently built Resource Centre
- Air-conditioned disabled toilet and change room to allow for wheelchair access and hoist
- Classrooms have wheelchair access
- Horse Riding
- Japanese from Prep – Grade 6
- Coding and Robotics from Prep – Grade 6
- Chaplaincy service
- Access to a range of specialists, including –
- Behavioural
- School nurse
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Guidance Officers
Why Choose Hendra State School
There are many wonderful opportunities, programs and access to teaching and learning happening at Hendra SS. As a priority they want their students to be happy and want to come to school.
Hendra State School prides itself on having nurturing, motivated staff dedicated to the happiness, well-being and academic and social success of their students. The staff are constantly working to build their curriculum knowledge, networking with cluster schools and participating in professional learning. If the school has informed teachers and staff, they know they will be able to present their students with the best teaching and learning possible!
Hendra SS offers unique programs; Horse Riding lessons, Coding and Robotics and Japanese from Prep – Grade 6 are significant at Hendra. They also have swimming lessons at the start of the year and offer Instrumental Music to years 2 – 6. They have a school band and choir, and regularly visit Meriwee Aged Care Facility to perform and entertain. Hendra’s school leaders work with Queensland Academy for Creative Industries to create and manage a major school project for the year. On occasions the school has visiting plays, music and information sessions for their students.
Being a major part of the community is vital for Hendra State School’s students, staff and parents. They are constantly looking at improving their school community and have an active P&C that work to connect parents and families with school as well as support the school responsibly.
Hendra State School is a big little school in the Brisbane Metro area. They are working at beautifying their school and take pride in what is on offer. The school encourages people to come and meet them, see the school and watch the great relationships, teaching and learning that takes place.
Hendra State School is located at 309 Nudgee Road, Hendra. Find out more about the school at www.hendrass.eq.edu.au, or phone (07) 3623 1333.
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