The Brisbane Kids Great Garage Sale Guide
The balmy Brisbane weather is here and Spring has well and truly sprung. Yep, it’s time to replant the veggie patch, dust off that old tin of spray tan and brace ourselves for the sprint to Christmas. It’s also the perfect time of year to get the house sorted and throw a garage sale. Here are five tips on how to hold a successful event, and how to get your Brisbane Kids on board.
1. Pick a date
It goes without saying that weekends are best. To attract extra foot traffic, why not hold your garage sale on the same day as other local events. Is there an open house or auction happening nearby? What about the local school fete?
If you happen to be free on 12-13 & 19-20 November you’re in luck! That’s the date of the Garage Sale Trail. It’s a national event that encourages households, community groups and businesses to hold their garage sales on the same day. And there’s a serious side. The group aims to promote the reuse of materials, reduce landfill, inspire creativity and enhance community connections. This year there is a virtual event, as well as the usual garage sales to align with COVID restrictions.
2. Advertise
If you want to take part in the Garage Sale Trail’s national bonanza, you can register online. They also have comprehensive guides for holding different kinds of garage sales. Some of their key suggestions include: giving your garage sale a creative name, presenting good photos of your wares in ads and using social media to spread the word.
Some other websites for garage sale registration include: news classifieds, gumtree and e garage sales.
Social media platforms are another great way of advertising your sale. It’s as simple as creating an event and inviting your Facebook friends.
Of course, good old fashioned signs are another way of attracting potential customers. This is where you can break out the paints and get the kids involved. Maybe they’ll have good suggestions for creative names or themes?
The Brisbane City Council has some guidelines for garage sale signs. Essentially, you can only advertise on the day of the event and signs should be placed on your property and on the footpath in front. No illuminated signs allowed!
3. What to sell
This depends on what you’ve got of course, but for maximum Brisbane Kid engagement, why not start with good quality unwanted toys, books and baby items? If you’re crafty, gift cards are another idea. Get some cardboard, fold it up and decorate it with popular motifs like pineapples and chevron patterns. Hand painted Christmas cards could also be a winner at this time of year. If they don’t sell, you can always keep them.
Tools, plants, dvds, records, clothes, furniture and bric-a-brac should all sell at the right price.
4. How to price
It’s a good idea to do a bit of research before pricing vintage, collectable and large items. Sites like gumtree and ebay are one place to start. It might also be worth a trip to your local second hand and antique-type shops, just to make sure your price is in the right ballpark. Otherwise, the key is to keep prices low. Some experts say most items should be five dollars or less. And be prepared to haggle, it’s part of the tradition.
5. On the day
Make sure your items are clearly laid out on tables and attractively presented. Put good things together, hang up clothes, group items according to theme and make sure you offer a bargain bin. Be ready at least half an hour before you’ve advertised and have some change (in a secure spot). Don’t forget to have fun! Play some music and get the kids to help you man the decks.
The Garage Sale Trail is an annual event that’s all about about sustainability, community, commerce and fun! Garage sales will be held simultaneously all over Australia on the 12-13 & 19-22 November. To add your garage sale to the event page, or to find out where the closest sales to you will be, please visit www.garagesaletrail.com.au.
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