The Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha playground is one of many fun-filled attractions to be enjoyed by visitors heading to the gardens for the day. Just follow the accessible pathways around the 18 megalitre lagoon and you’ll find this modern, yet refreshingly natural-looking play area that kids of all ages love.
Kids playground features
The playground has a big climbing frame, swings and slides set into a slope. Invitations to climb continue with a dome-shaped climbing feature that’s perfect for clambering over or for making a den inside. Wide grassy spaces encourage picnics and long lunches in the sunshine.
Your kids will appreciate the permanent statues of Australian native animals positioned in the surrounding gardens and if you’re lucky you might also spot some of the wildlife who call the gardens home, such as water dragons, scrub turkeys and curlews.
A brand new toilet block with accessible toilets, and plenty of shelters with picnic tables surround the playground making this the ideal spot to relax after you have enjoyed your time in the Botanic Gardens.
Imagination Factor
The highlight of this playground is the way it invites and entices kids to play with and amongst the natural features. The playground is set amongst ecologically designed drought resistant gardens and has a lovely natural theme. There are natural bases, such as sand, to play with and a dry creek bed with pebbles and rocks to sort and stack.
The open-ended equipment here really allows the imagination of Brisbane Kids to take flight – will they turn the dome into a cubby or a den, climb to the top as a lookout post? Will the climbing structure become a tree house or a pirate ship? The options are as endless as a child’s imagination.
Your Brisbane Kid can practice their balancing on the balance logs, or explore the little laneways and stepping stones. With all the sights, sounds and smells of the gardens all around you, this is the perfect place to spend a fun day in nature!
The playground and 4 hectares of parklands can be accessed along concrete pathways which are suitable for prams and wheelchairs, although do allow a little time to get there from the carpark (see map at the link below). There are also wheelchair-accessible toilets. Lots of natural shade, as well as sheltered picnic tables and shade sails over most of the play equipment is a real plus, especially in the heat of summer.
Please note that this playground is close to a large body of water and there are mature trees obscuring visibility between elements of the playground and there are multiple ways in, out and through the playground, so close supervision of your child / children may be required.
You can download a Mobility Map for the Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha here, for more information on accessible facilities within the gardens as well as path gradients.
Playground features
- Unfenced playground
- Accessible toilets
- Sand and rubber base
- Climbing structures
- Swings
- Slides
- Balance and stepping logs
- Dry creek bed
- Grassy open spaces
- Picnic tables and shelters
- Water fountains
- Walking paths
- Nearby lagoon
- Plus, you can enjoy all the attractions of the gardens, such as the free car park, beautiful gardens to explore, lagoons, wildlife, a great cafe, and more.
You can pack a picnic or stop by the Botanic Gardens cafe (near the car park) if you get hungry while you’re here.
The playground is located within the Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, Mount Coot-tha Road, Toowong.
You can read more about the Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha and the fun Hide ’n’ Seek Children’s Trail within the gardens here.
152 Mount Coot Tha Rd, Toowong QLD 4066, Australia
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