Looking for an unforgettable experience that channels your child’s creativity whilst inspiring wonderful learning experience in Environmental resourcefulness? Reverse Garbage is an emporium of reusable items that will thrill. “Teaching kids how to reuse trash in creative ways is the essence of the Reverse Garbage eco-art workshop program.” Reverse Garbage runs regular workshops to create masterpieces using otherwise discarded items. Unused corks, cd cases, fabric scraps, ice-cream pottles, card and even chip packet factory leftovers come to life in these magical workshops.
The fun you will have at Reverse Garbage
Master 4 and I set off one spring morning to experience Wacky Wednesdays “Mad Hatters Tea Party” hat making class. We entered into a large warehouse filled with what resembled to the untrained eye as “Junk”.
Our little group was escorted to the back of the building and into Wonderland! A room filled with marvellous creations and crazy creatures met us. Soon we were shown how to manipulate various salvaged items, many donated from factories as left over waste from production. Our artistic guide Nadine explained to the class the importance of repurposing rubbish rather than creating more land fill. The class was then invited to collect as many materials as needed to create a wacky hat. The hour flew by and soon we had 2 marvellous hats.
Before we left we enjoyed a nosy around the warehouse, my son excited by all the weird items. At the front of the warehouse is an artisans gift shop, filled with treasures using only repurposed items. A shopaholics dream!
What we loved about Reverse Garbage
Our experience was so positive and exciting that, when in October the team put on a free Halloween workshop, we took the whole family. This was the highlight of my children’s week. We created a superhero mask, a wolf masquerade mask and a fairy wand. A free treasure hunt followed the workshop with children being rewarded with a goody bag of “Garbage craft”, which was unloaded and made into junk monsters as soon as we got home.
Whacky Wednesday is Reverse Garbage’s toddler class. They also run holiday classes. Smaller siblings may attend but must be supervised at all times. Please call to discuss this prior to taking a young child. Classes run for 1 hour and are $20. Some are free so keep an eye out on their website or Facebook page. Parking is limited.
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