For many first-time mums, the journey of pregnancy and childbirth can seem a little overwhelming and daunting. Trying to get your head around the many options available for you and working out what process and delivery options feel right for you can be a tough maze to navigate.
Deciding how to birth is an important decision and one that needs to feel like it has come from an informed choice. There are many options out there, one being the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital Birth Centre, where they can answer all your questions and guide you through your natural childbirth experience.
What is the RBWH Birth Centre?
Are you trying to understand the concept of natural childbirth? Not sure what the difference is between your GP and your OB? Are you confused about the difference between a doula and a midwife? If this sounds like you then relax. You are no different to most newly pregnant parents and the team at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital Birth Centre are here to help.
The RBWH Birth Centre is a free public health service available to eligible applicants. It has been set up to help facilitate natural childbirths for parents who are interested in this option.
What to expect in natural childbirth
Natural childbirth is actually a delicate dance between timely information, a supportive birth team, a comfortable and safe birthing environment and a lot of instinct and surrender. Ultimately, we are all aiming for the same outcome – a safe delivery for both mother and baby – which is why the team of dedicated midwives at the birth centre are at your side from the early weeks of pregnancy right through to that last push. Their goal is the same as yours, to help you achieve the delivery you would like and provide you with what you need to do so. The ultimate goal is to deliver your child with as little medical intervention as possible while ensuring both you and your baby are safe in the process.
The RBWH Birth Centre Experience
For those parents interested in a natural childbirth, the team at RBWH will plan your birth experience with you and provide a wealth of support and comfort to the journey. This includes a dedicated team of midwives that you will get to know and trust, a private home-like birthing room complete with queen bed, bathroom and a spa (with the option for a water birth).
One thing to remember is if your labour doesn’t progress or you want chemical pain relief you can be easily transferred to Birth Suite in the main hospital and your midwives will stay by your side. Often just having someone believe in you and hold your hand is enough. However, when it’s not there are experienced medical staff on hand no matter what the situation.
The RBWH Birth Centre is housed within the hospital and therefore in close proximity to the normal maternity delivery ward. In the event of an emergency, you will have ready access to the best medical care available, yet at the same time are protected from premature or unwanted medical intervention. The supportive team of midwives will always offer an array of natural pain remedies as well.
Post Birth Support and Friendship
Once the birthing experience is complete and your bub has arrived, too often new parents are left to fend for themselves. At the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital Birth Centre they have created a post-birth support network to help new parents find friendshops, guidance and a safe space in which to navigate the early days with their new baby.
The truth is, we spend so much time preparing for the birth that when our divine, perfect, little scrunched up baby is in our arms we suddenly discover how ill-prepared we are! Sitting at home with a new infant can be overwhelming, not to mention isolating, which is why Friends of the Birth Centre runs a Facebook page and morning tea to help mums connect and support each other.
Whether your Birth Centre birth was exhilarating or overwhelming they welcome your stories and experiences within thier community. Perhaps you are planning a birth at the Birth Centre or had a Birth Centre birth in another town or state? Any supporters of natural childbirth and natural parenting are welcome. Join them on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 10am at 28 Macgregor Street in Wilston and find the village we all need to help raise our child.
How to contact Friends of the Birth Centre to celebrate!
Friends of the Birth Centre:
To apply to the Birth Centre, simply ask your G.P. to indicate this on your referral or contact the hospital on (07) 3646 8111 and ask for the Birth Centre to find out more.
She is so great! And I love the fact that she is thinking of a natural childbirth good for her!
maybe some other women will think about doing it that way also!
I was hoping someone could help me. My family and I are emigrating on the 22nd November and I’m 16 weeks pregnant.
I’ve already got a 10 month old, I had a natural birth here in England, at a midwifery run birth centre.
I just was hoping someone good give me advice on where and who I can get in contact with to speak about my birth. Thank you