Domestic violence can affect anyone – men, women, and children. Most domestic violence occurs behind closed doors, usually within the home. While the statistics for domestic violence cases are high, the exact figures will go unknown due to the high number of unreported domestic violence incidents in Australia.
From 2006 to 2012, an average of 23 deaths per year occurred in Queensland linked to domestic and family violence cases, equating to approximately 44% of homicides in Queensland during that period (Source).
Where to get Domestic Violence support in Brisbane and surrounds
DV Connect – DV Connect is a statewide free 24-hour telephone support service available in Queensland who can assist in organising professional advice, counselling, intervention and transport for Queensland women and children at risk of domestic violence. They also offer a sexual assault phone line for anyone, pet intervention, and a Mensline for men who are at risk of domestic violence and related issues. The hotlines are not recorded on your phone bill.
DV Connect Womensline: 1800 811 811
DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636
Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) – A free confidential service for people at risk of domestic violence in the Brisbane metropolitan area. Services include crisis intervention, transport, referral and emotional support.
BDVS Non-urgent support: 3217 2544 or email bdvs@micahprojects.org.au
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call the Queensland Police Service on 000.
For a list of Domestic Violence services around the state , see below:
DV Connect Women’s Line
1800 811 811
24 hours
7 Days
DV Connect Men’s Line
1800 600 636
9am – Midnight
7 Days
Immigrant Women’s Emergency Support Service
07 3846 3490
Brisbane Domestic Violence Advocacy Service
07 3217 2544
Caboolture Regional Domestic Violence Service
07 5498 9533
Cairns Domestic Violence Service
07 4033 6100
Domestic Violence Service of Central Queensland
1300 523 985
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Gold Coast Inc.
07 5532 9000
Ipswich Women’s Service
07 3816 3000
Domestic Violence Service Mackay
07 4957 3888
Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Centre
07 4639 3605
North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Service
07 4721 2888
North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Service
07 4743 0946 |
SCOPE | Suncoast Cooloola Outreach Education Centre
07 5430 9300
Working Against Violence Support Service
07 3808 5566
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence can involve more than physical violence. It also incorporates power or control in a relationship and any act that instils fear. Domestic violence can include the following:
- Physical violence (including sexual abuse)
- Verbal abuse
- Damage to property
- Financial abuse (limited access to finances)
- Social abuse (preventing social interaction with others)
- Psychological (behaviour or verbal abuse that impacts vulnerabilities and mental health)
At no point should anyone be subjected to domestic or family violence, and ignoring it will not make it go away. Suppose you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence in any form. In that case, many services are available to support and assist individuals, all of which are free services available to anyone.
“You have the right to your own ideas and opinions, to make your own decisions, and to have things go your way at times. Stand up for those rights.”
– Beverly Engel
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