Have you ever welcomed your children home from school, eager to hear about their day, only to hear the words “I hate school”? Or wanted to travel around Australia but worried about the kids missing out on school? Sometimes, traditional school classrooms just do not work for some children. And sometimes, children do not have immediate access to a traditional school classroom.
In a time when online learning is growing at an exponential rate, some parents are looking at other alternatives to help educate their children.
The Queensland Government Department of Education and Training provides distance education services through seven state schools of distance education. One such school is the Brisbane School of Distance Education (BrisbaneSDE) and may just be the school you are looking for.
Brisbane School of Distance Education
BrisbaneSDE is a prep- Year 12 government school of distance education which integrates traditional learning methods with the latest in on line technology. It delivers an accredited educational program to a global community of home based and school based learners, throughout Queensland and beyond.
The programs at BrisbaneSDE are provided to students across the state, travelling within Australia, living and/or travelling overseas, students with medical conditions which prohibit them attending traditional schools, and those children who are better educated by more personalised services.
BrisbaneSDE currently has over 4000 enrolments with a vision to “Provide quality education to maximise success for every student”.
Enrolment Categories
BDSE provides two broad enrolment categories:
- Limited Choice of Schooling
- Geographic isolation
- Medical condition
- Other
- Distance education by choice
- Home based learners
- Travelling overseas
- Travelling within Australia
- Home schooling by choice
Sometimes, students at a traditional government school are unable to study a preferred subject choice so BDSE can provide them with the opportunity to complete the subject in conjunction with their more traditional schooling.
Flexible Delivery Options
BrisbaneSDE provides a range of flexible delivery options including:
- Virtual classrooms
- Group learning through digital technologies
- Video conferencing
- Discussion boards
- Wiki
- Telephone
- Post
They also have a deep commitment to the home tutors, by way of providing training and support to them as part of a vital link in the whole education process. Education programs include full time junior school, middle and senior school programs, as well as the single courses (Years 8-12) for those students wanting to study a course not offered at their school.
For further information on enrolment and current opportunities, contact the Brisbane School of Distance Education.
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